We have been inundated with rain the past few days.... Mostly it held off yesterday, but last night through this morning we got drenched pretty good. And not just plain, old, ordinary rain.. No Way! This was the immobilizing, insensitive, shivering, icy, I'm gonna chill you to the bone rain. The temperature today is only going a few degrees above freezing. Much of the rain is forming ice as it hits the surface.
So we did what any sane person (although some say that is questionable in our case) would do... we tried to stay dry and warm. Actually there is a huge praise report in all of this. Most of the leaks in the addition have stopped! HalleluYAH! But this AM Tam wanted to take some pictures of the ice in the trees. So we "Braved" the weather (still raining by the way) and went out.
Well as we sat by the fire that my son so kindly made (of course he didn't make the fire on Shabbat - He took some coals from the inside fire and put out in the firepit) and watched the beauty all around, we saw the ducks coming up over the hill by the pond. HUH?? They were actually ENJOYING this weather! No kidding! Now I know what it means to 'let problems run off of you like the water runs off of a ducks back.' Tam and I looked at each other in disbelief. Here we are.. survival teachers.. and we were complaining while the ducks were having fun, romping, and playing in the puddles!
How about you my friend? Do you complain about things beyond your contol? Perhaps we either need to change our perception, or our attitudes. Enjoy Life! Have Fun while you're here... I don't mean 'sinful fun'... rather enjoy each day and all that you have been given. Be grateful for the blessings that YHWH has given you. Relax.. Delight in HIM... Savor the moment! After all, "This is the day YHWH has made, Let us rejoice and be glad in it."!
As I write this the rain has stopped for the moment. Maybe we need to get out there and roll in the frozen mud for a few minutes? Nahhh... I'll stay in here for now... I am thankful for the warmth too!!
- David
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