Sunday, December 31, 2006


Well here we are in the last day of December 2006! I am enjoying this winter in Missouri. It hasn't been too cold, not much snow, but there is one little complaint I would like to file a greivance about! The rain and wind are still rather strong here on the top of the hill.

Now normally I suppose that wouldn't be a problem, but our house is kind of out in the open still, and exposed to these elements of nature! We have a nice trailer to which we built two adjacent additions. Well, when you adjoin a building to another building I have found that you get leaks where the joints are. We have tried in vain to fix these perpetually dripping areas. In fact, my wife thinks that the 8 or 9 layers of shingling, caulking, putty, caulking, roof tar, more caulking, and spray expansion foam that I have used is a bit overkill! "Oh Yeah?" I wittily rebutted. (I have learned that one from reading web page after web page on quick retorts). My next layer is going to be another roof I think!! I will not be defeated!!!

How about in your life... do you have some "Spiritual leaks" that need to be tended to? Have you been superficially covering up problems with "cosmetic repairs"? Perhaps it's time to turn them over to YHWH! HE promises that HE will take care of your every need... Trust HIM! Stop relying on the arm of the flesh and allow HIM the possibility to do a miracle on your behalf. YHWH knows the problems... and HE knows exactly where the caulking needs to be to alieviate the cracks in your life!

For now, when it rains we will just keep the towels in place and soak up the water that uninvitedly intrudes into our premises. Bring on the Spring... Errr... Ummmmm.. doesn't that bring showers?

- David

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