Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Feeding Chickens

One of the joys of living on our own land is that we can keep a few animals if we like... well at least it began that way! But as all good things do at times... things have perhaps gotten out of hand. Not that I am complaining, mind you. I love animals... but 3 dogs, a cat, a squirrel, a pet mouse, 2 sheep, 2 goats, 9 ducks, 4 or 5 pigeons, a covey of quail, and 26 chickens of the assorted variety might be pushing the envelope a little!

Well, not to be a kill joy I try to help out with the animals when I can. I yell at the dogs, kick the cat once in awhile, throw fishing lures out for the ducks to retreive (actually it was just a plastic casting sinker.... but they did try to eat it), chase the sheep back up into the field, and various other chores that continually make me look like I know what I'm doing!

Today, I was not to be outdone even by the famed "Pied Piper of Hamilton"! I decided to toss out a bit of grain to the chickens. Now being lazy... err I mean learning how to "conserve energy",,, I didn't want to walk all the way to the barn. I mean, it's probably 50 foot all the way up there! And on top of that it was raining.... well actually it was during a lull in the sprinkles that we had today. Anyway... to make a long story short... what do you think happens when you toss a few little pieces of cracked wheat (well maybe 3 cups) out on the ground with 26 chickens around? Well it's easier to show you than to try to explain the pradicament that I got myself into...

Hope that you had as great a day as I did! :)

- David

1 comment:

witness4yah said...
