Well here we are in the last day of December 2006! I am enjoying this winter in Missouri. It hasn't been too cold, not much snow, but there is one little complaint I would like to file a greivance about! The rain and wind are still rather strong here on the top of the hill.
Now normally I suppose that wouldn't be a problem, but our house is kind of out in the open still, and exposed to these elements of nature! We have a nice trailer to which we built two adjacent additions. Well, when you adjoin a building to another building I have found that you get leaks where the joints are. We have tried in vain to fix these perpetually dripping areas. In fact, my wife thinks that the 8 or 9 layers of shingling, caulking, putty, caulking, roof tar, more caulking, and spray expansion foam that I have used is a bit overkill! "Oh Yeah?" I wittily rebutted. (I have learned that one from reading web page after web page on quick retorts). My next layer is going to be another roof I think!! I will not be defeated!!!
How about in your life... do you have some "Spiritual leaks" that need to be tended to? Have you been superficially covering up problems with "cosmetic repairs"? Perhaps it's time to turn them over to YHWH! HE promises that HE will take care of your every need... Trust HIM! Stop relying on the arm of the flesh and allow HIM the possibility to do a miracle on your behalf. YHWH knows the problems... and HE knows exactly where the caulking needs to be to alieviate the cracks in your life!
For now, when it rains we will just keep the towels in place and soak up the water that uninvitedly intrudes into our premises. Bring on the Spring... Errr... Ummmmm.. doesn't that bring showers?
- David
Sunday, December 31, 2006
Wednesday, December 20, 2006
Feeding Chickens
One of the joys of living on our own land is that we can keep a few animals if we like... well at least it began that way! But as all good things do at times... things have perhaps gotten out of hand. Not that I am complaining, mind you. I love animals... but 3 dogs, a cat, a squirrel, a pet mouse, 2 sheep, 2 goats, 9 ducks, 4 or 5 pigeons, a covey of quail, and 26 chickens of the assorted variety might be pushing the envelope a little!
Well, not to be a kill joy I try to help out with the animals when I can. I yell at the dogs, kick the cat once in awhile, throw fishing lures out for the ducks to retreive (actually it was just a plastic casting sinker.... but they did try to eat it), chase the sheep back up into the field, and various other chores that continually make me look like I know what I'm doing!
Today, I was not to be outdone even by the famed "Pied Piper of Hamilton"! I decided to toss out a bit of grain to the chickens. Now being lazy... err I mean learning how to "conserve energy",,, I didn't want to walk all the way to the barn. I mean, it's probably 50 foot all the way up there! And on top of that it was raining.... well actually it was during a lull in the sprinkles that we had today. Anyway... to make a long story short... what do you think happens when you toss a few little pieces of cracked wheat (well maybe 3 cups) out on the ground with 26 chickens around? Well it's easier to show you than to try to explain the pradicament that I got myself into...

Well, not to be a kill joy I try to help out with the animals when I can. I yell at the dogs, kick the cat once in awhile, throw fishing lures out for the ducks to retreive (actually it was just a plastic casting sinker.... but they did try to eat it), chase the sheep back up into the field, and various other chores that continually make me look like I know what I'm doing!
Today, I was not to be outdone even by the famed "Pied Piper of Hamilton"! I decided to toss out a bit of grain to the chickens. Now being lazy... err I mean learning how to "conserve energy",,, I didn't want to walk all the way to the barn. I mean, it's probably 50 foot all the way up there! And on top of that it was raining.... well actually it was during a lull in the sprinkles that we had today. Anyway... to make a long story short... what do you think happens when you toss a few little pieces of cracked wheat (well maybe 3 cups) out on the ground with 26 chickens around? Well it's easier to show you than to try to explain the pradicament that I got myself into...

Hope that you had as great a day as I did! :)
- David
- David
Tuesday, December 19, 2006
A Sad Day
I am so proud of you Tam. You not only cared so much for Abby... but when it was obvious that she wasn't going to be able to go on.. you made a decision that was so hard. You don't know how much you mean to me my beautiful wife.. I love you!
Most of all Tam wanted to see Abby stand. To run, to play with the other animals. Well Abby did stand a few times. She was so majestic! Abby will forever stand in our hearts and minds...

Sunday, December 17, 2006
My Yearly Obligatory Post
I am so sorry for not maintaining this blog! Please forgive me... So much has happened in the past year.
- A major move
- Building a homestead
- Survival Classes
- Added some animals to the "ranch"
- 3 wonderful Feasts with the Brethren!
There is so much more to tell, but that will come in time. I wanted to add this post to let you know we are back and plan on being more regular from now on! We will look forward to your comments and additions!
We have a brand new website... please come visit at YHWH's Word of Faith! We will be adding much more there as well, including new Feast pictures and Survival info! Join us also on Paltalk live each Fri Evening and Sabbath Day. Look on the website for more info!
Walk in Truth!
- David
I am so sorry for not maintaining this blog! Please forgive me... So much has happened in the past year.
- A major move
- Building a homestead
- Survival Classes
- Added some animals to the "ranch"
- 3 wonderful Feasts with the Brethren!
There is so much more to tell, but that will come in time. I wanted to add this post to let you know we are back and plan on being more regular from now on! We will look forward to your comments and additions!
We have a brand new website... please come visit at YHWH's Word of Faith! We will be adding much more there as well, including new Feast pictures and Survival info! Join us also on Paltalk live each Fri Evening and Sabbath Day. Look on the website for more info!
Walk in Truth!
- David
Wednesday, January 04, 2006
I'm Proud of you Lil Girl!
Today was a challenge...one of the kinda that parents hope they don't have to face very often, but that seem to pop up from time to time to remind us of how fragile life is.
My 17 year old daughter has hopes to begin a career as a wildlife rehabilitationist. She is the type that can go out into the wild and sit down for a few minutes to suddenly find herself surrounded by all kinds of wildlife. She has mice crawl onto her lap, birds land on her shoulder etc. A girl after her "Wilderness Awareness Teacher" Daddy's heart.
Well she decided that she wanted to adopt a lil lamb that was born with a selenium deficiency. This crippling disease produces very fragile, almost arthritic bone structures in the animal. Mandy would diligently every day massage it's legs, and try to teach it to walk. It followed her around like she was the lamb's mama. I think I could even hear it say "Mama" sometimes as the lamb looked up into Mandy's eyes as she would hold it close to her.
A few days ago, the deficiency caused one of the rear legs to break. Mandy held on to all hope, but today she decided that the suffering of the lamb was too much for the little thing to take anymore. She made the hard decision to put the lamb down to save it from suffering and pain, even at the expense of her own pain. What a mature decision she made...and I as her daddy am so very proud of her. I love you my little girl.
As I gazed at the lamb looking up into my eyes in the last minutes...filled with trust and love, I thought about another lamb. "YHWSHUA, the Lamb of the World who was slain to take away our sins." How much the Father YHWH must have loved HIM and how much pain must HE have felt at HIS death as YHWSHUA looked into HIS eyes... filled with trust and love. But the sadness wasn't because HE died, for YHWH knew that HE would rise again on the 3rd day. Why, then would YHWH have been so sad, so grieved? I believe it was because the great price that was paid for our sins... has been rejected by so many. And above that, those that "say" that they receive the gift, Myself included, have responded with such little love and devotion in return. We are rather flippant about the gift that YHWH gave us. Saying that we love HIM, but continuing to walk in our own ways.
Today, perhaps it is time for us to refresh and renew our commitment to YHWH. To stop living so much for ourselves and to begin to bring joy to HIS heart. How can we do that? Well I think that our Lil Lamb... and the Lamb of the World taught me a lesson that might be valuable to each of us. The Father had to watch HIS Son... looking up at HIM as HE died. I believe that the greatest joy we could bring YHWH today, and every day, would be to look up into HIS eyes ourselves...with Love and Trust in HIM... no longer to die, but with gratitude and thanksgiving that we have eternal life!
"YHWSHUA said unto her, I am the resurrection, and the life: he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live: And whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die. Believest thou this?" John 11:25,26
Shalom V' Ahavah...
My 17 year old daughter has hopes to begin a career as a wildlife rehabilitationist. She is the type that can go out into the wild and sit down for a few minutes to suddenly find herself surrounded by all kinds of wildlife. She has mice crawl onto her lap, birds land on her shoulder etc. A girl after her "Wilderness Awareness Teacher" Daddy's heart.
Well she decided that she wanted to adopt a lil lamb that was born with a selenium deficiency. This crippling disease produces very fragile, almost arthritic bone structures in the animal. Mandy would diligently every day massage it's legs, and try to teach it to walk. It followed her around like she was the lamb's mama. I think I could even hear it say "Mama" sometimes as the lamb looked up into Mandy's eyes as she would hold it close to her.
A few days ago, the deficiency caused one of the rear legs to break. Mandy held on to all hope, but today she decided that the suffering of the lamb was too much for the little thing to take anymore. She made the hard decision to put the lamb down to save it from suffering and pain, even at the expense of her own pain. What a mature decision she made...and I as her daddy am so very proud of her. I love you my little girl.
As I gazed at the lamb looking up into my eyes in the last minutes...filled with trust and love, I thought about another lamb. "YHWSHUA, the Lamb of the World who was slain to take away our sins." How much the Father YHWH must have loved HIM and how much pain must HE have felt at HIS death as YHWSHUA looked into HIS eyes... filled with trust and love. But the sadness wasn't because HE died, for YHWH knew that HE would rise again on the 3rd day. Why, then would YHWH have been so sad, so grieved? I believe it was because the great price that was paid for our sins... has been rejected by so many. And above that, those that "say" that they receive the gift, Myself included, have responded with such little love and devotion in return. We are rather flippant about the gift that YHWH gave us. Saying that we love HIM, but continuing to walk in our own ways.
Today, perhaps it is time for us to refresh and renew our commitment to YHWH. To stop living so much for ourselves and to begin to bring joy to HIS heart. How can we do that? Well I think that our Lil Lamb... and the Lamb of the World taught me a lesson that might be valuable to each of us. The Father had to watch HIS Son... looking up at HIM as HE died. I believe that the greatest joy we could bring YHWH today, and every day, would be to look up into HIS eyes ourselves...with Love and Trust in HIM... no longer to die, but with gratitude and thanksgiving that we have eternal life!
"YHWSHUA said unto her, I am the resurrection, and the life: he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live: And whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die. Believest thou this?" John 11:25,26
Shalom V' Ahavah...
Tuesday, January 03, 2006
Winter Survival Camp 2005
Well the past month has been quite a busy one for us all. We have been having regular services on Paltalk every Erev Shabbat as well as on Shabbat Day. We would love for you to join us if you get the possibility. YHWH has been moving powerfully with testimonies coming from many as to the timeliness of each weeks Word! halleluYAH!!!
Last month was also designated as Winter Survival Camp Time! So for 3 weeks we were in almost constant preparation for the camp. Then the last week of the month we had 9 people who braved the elements... the 25 degree nights...and just simply had a GREAT time! We learned many skills such as Shelters, Weapons, Navigation by the sun and the stars, Firemaking, Knife Usage, Snares and Traps, Cordage making and care, and many other useful skills.
I am really impressed with the caliper of people that attended the camp this winter. They were totally involved and were VERY adept at quickly picking up the techniques. Each one took home with them many useful skills, better wilderness awareness, and wonderful memories. I thank you each and every one for being such a great group to work with!
Even more importantly was Tam who worked tirelessly behind the scenes! She was taking care of the "ranch", tending to the young ones by herself, and on top of that still found time to make us some of the most tasty meals that I have ever had! Thank you so very much my Precious Proverbs 32 Wife! I love you! You are truly YHWH's desire.
We will be setting up this years schedule within the next few weeks. If any of you have a special request for a time or specialty camp subject let me know within the next week or so. My email is soarntam@direcway.com. We can adapt our schedules and camp criterion to meet your needs.
YHWH has been teaching us many lessons and truths throughout the past month and especially during the camp. One night we sat under the stars reading Psalm 8 and thinking upon the meaning for our lives! Wow...there was quite a bit of deep revelation. We even had a message in relation called "Reflection of Perfection." How about you, my friend? Are you reflecting YHWH's Nature in your life? If not, why not? What is stopping you from living this life fully to the glory of YHWH our Master? Seek HIM, allow HIM to dwell in you and use you fully for HIS purposes and glory! HalleluYAH!
Shalom V' Ahavah...
Last month was also designated as Winter Survival Camp Time! So for 3 weeks we were in almost constant preparation for the camp. Then the last week of the month we had 9 people who braved the elements... the 25 degree nights...and just simply had a GREAT time! We learned many skills such as Shelters, Weapons, Navigation by the sun and the stars, Firemaking, Knife Usage, Snares and Traps, Cordage making and care, and many other useful skills.
I am really impressed with the caliper of people that attended the camp this winter. They were totally involved and were VERY adept at quickly picking up the techniques. Each one took home with them many useful skills, better wilderness awareness, and wonderful memories. I thank you each and every one for being such a great group to work with!
Even more importantly was Tam who worked tirelessly behind the scenes! She was taking care of the "ranch", tending to the young ones by herself, and on top of that still found time to make us some of the most tasty meals that I have ever had! Thank you so very much my Precious Proverbs 32 Wife! I love you! You are truly YHWH's desire.
We will be setting up this years schedule within the next few weeks. If any of you have a special request for a time or specialty camp subject let me know within the next week or so. My email is soarntam@direcway.com. We can adapt our schedules and camp criterion to meet your needs.
YHWH has been teaching us many lessons and truths throughout the past month and especially during the camp. One night we sat under the stars reading Psalm 8 and thinking upon the meaning for our lives! Wow...there was quite a bit of deep revelation. We even had a message in relation called "Reflection of Perfection." How about you, my friend? Are you reflecting YHWH's Nature in your life? If not, why not? What is stopping you from living this life fully to the glory of YHWH our Master? Seek HIM, allow HIM to dwell in you and use you fully for HIS purposes and glory! HalleluYAH!
Shalom V' Ahavah...
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