A funny thing happened the other day. Three of my four older children were out shopping and working. Cody ( Happy Birthday son! ) who is in Calgary, Alberta, Canada decided that he would stop by "Subway" to eat lunch. Rob, who lives here in Mansfield with us, was on his break from work and decided to call his brother to tell him "Happy Birthday". He asked Cody to hang on a minute while he ordered his lunch from the Subway here. No this wasn't planned, just happened. After they both ordered Rob asked Cody what he had ordered for lunch... His answer, "A Steak and Cheese Sub". Rob said ... "That's funny, I ordered the exact same thing!" When Rob came home from work he was anxious to share the story with Tam. Mandy had just walked in the door from a trip to Ava this afternoon and heard. Her response was, "GET OUT! I was at subway at the exact same time and ordered a Steak and Cheese sub too!"
Well that is quite a coincidence some people would say. But I think that there was a connection between them all at the moment this happened. The Scripture tells us that it is "Good and Pleasant for brethren to dwell together in unity and love. We are also told in Ephesians that YHWH desires for the body to "Come to the unity of Faith..." But we are so concerned with Doctrine, that we don't understand the unity part. We are so proud that we have found some new nugget of truth that we push others away and condemn them for not seeing what we see! How shameful for people who call themselves a body...
Isn't it time that we begin to walk in unity? Isn't it time that we start to love one another? Each person is on a path.. and we are warned not to judge another in their walk! Perhaps if we stop with the pettiness, pride, and ego trips we would come to a closer Unity of Faith as YHWH's Body. This is what HE desires... isn't it? Maybe it is time that we order the same "spiritual food" and stop fighting amongst ourselves....
Walk in Truth...